Jedi Council Rules

1. Recruiting and Rank testing may only be done by High         Council members

2. We do not permit gunners or hackers

3. You have the choice of following the light jedi or dark jedi ways of the force

4. You should be on the internet gaming zone quite often

5. Follow Jedi Council orders at all times

6. You must check the message boards as much as possible and also post messages.

7. You must be approved by the council in order to fight clan         battles

8. Cannot question the council rules and ranking system

9. Clan founders/leaders have the power to make a decision to                 kick off people off the council (2/3 of Council must agree)

10. You can only go up in rank once a day.

11. No cussing is allowed in this clan

12. No skipping ranks

Failure to abide by these rules, may result in: demotion, suspension, or ejection.